Friday, May 18, 2007

it's been said

It's been said that these days people will always be the same, act the same way, and say all the same things- And that may be true if I looked at it in their point of view, their point of view is there own. It can be said that times never change, that all people and places face a certain amount of greif and pain, that the world is nothing but a palethra of infectious dout and pesimism, that the negitive will always stay the same, and that bad luck will always take place in everyones life. it's been acceptated that we have to like all the same things,listen to all the same music, have all the same tastes, all the same dreams- or lack there of, to keep up with what is considered cool.

But I can assure those who are unsure what aside they are on, that there will always be the other side, a side that cares a lot more than they care a lot less. And as much and we can be co nsidered tiny stains in this world.. I can assure you, that we are a group of stains that will never be washed out- we are a group of stains that will never go away.

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